Travel relations
Why do we have relationships? This is probably the stupidest question I’ve ever asked. This is not some psychoanalytical entry about life and that friends and family are the most important … which kinda is. But still, they way we enclose friendships or even relationships differ widely. How many times did it happen that somebody introduced you to his friend, colleague or so-what and you thought “I like that guy” or “I don’t like that guy”? Sometimes I can’t even explain why I don’t or why I do like somebody when I first meet him. The same happened while I was travelling. You meet a shitload of people and sometimes you hang out with them out of need because nobody else is there. Or he’s the only other German in town. At home sometimes it’s hard to meet new people, at least for me, just because I don’t know how to interact with them. In a hostel it’s the easiest thing ever. Just go into the kitchen or the “lounge” and say: Hey, how you doing? Bam! Conversation. I had it couple